
No, I Know

Featuring live music and special guests!

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Multimedia artists, activists and husband and wife duo James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin talk shop in this engaging podcast, No, I Know. 

From art to science to society and culture, they bring you a spirited conversation with a call to action to the community at large. Oh, and of course…they converse about what it’s like to be married and create together.

Tune In

Saturdays at
11am EST
Delmarva Public Media WSDL 90.7

Our Mission

Our vision is to create a mobile podcast media unit for community outreach that fosters creative engagement and community esteem.

The Mobile Podcast Unit will produce on-site events that include: Interviews, Live Podcast Concerts and Community Connections.

We will focus on intergenerational events and civic mindedness through music and the art.

We will illuminate our shared humanity and showcase people making a difference in their communities.

We bring not only our extensive media production experience and thoughtful content, but as musicians and performers, we will bring the spirit of creativity to every episode and event.

EP#163 Twist of Fate

Lay down with us and take a deep breath. This episode was recorded in bed, as it is a day we needed to process and remember when we lived in NYC on 9-11-01.   All Music and Lyrics written and performed by your hosts: James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin.  All...

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EP# 162 Marriage in a Crab Shell Part Two

Marriage in a Crab Shell part two with your co-hosts, Ilyana and James. Our conversation in our teardrop camper Barbarella on Chincoteague Island continues. We cover: Addiction and dry drunk behaviors, why flags and bumper stickers are not going to change mindsets,...

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EP# 161 In a Crab Shell (Ilyana and James: Part One)

Recorded June 11, 2024 on Chincoteague Island in our teardrop camper, aka Barbarella. In honor of our 19th wedding anniversary and the 9th year of the No, I Know Podcast, we are once again popping the hood on our marriage and partnership.  In this episode we...

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EP# 160 We are All Fighters

We are all fighters. You against you, we all struggle with something in our lives that tests our will, our strength. How can we martial our own forces, body, mind and spirit? Why do we need this discipline within our self? Going to the edge of our comfort zone to test...

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