
No, I Know

Featuring live music and special guests!

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Multimedia artists, activists and husband and wife duo James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin talk shop in this engaging podcast, No, I Know. 

From art to science to society and culture, they bring you a spirited conversation with a call to action to the community at large. Oh, and of course…they converse about what it’s like to be married and create together.

Tune In

Saturdays at
11am EST
Delmarva Public Media WSDL 90.7

Our Mission

Our vision is to create a mobile podcast media unit for community outreach that fosters creative engagement and community esteem.

The Mobile Podcast Unit will produce on-site events that include: Interviews, Live Podcast Concerts and Community Connections.

We will focus on intergenerational events and civic mindedness through music and the art.

We will illuminate our shared humanity and showcase people making a difference in their communities.

We bring not only our extensive media production experience and thoughtful content, but as musicians and performers, we will bring the spirit of creativity to every episode and event.

EP#79 America’s First Former jihadist

Jesse Morton was once a jihadist propagandist (then known as Younes Abdullah Muhammad) who ran Revolution Muslim, a New York City-based organization active in the 2000s and connected to a number of terrorism cases. He connected al-Qaeda’s ideology and transformed it...

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EP#78 Going Green with The Chesapeake Bay Commission

​Today’s episode is part of our ongoing GOING GREEN Series, where we have guests from different environmental groups and initiatives from both local and state level, to shed light on why their work is important and what we can all do to make a difference for the...

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Ep#77 Poet Laureate, Nancy Mitchell Interview

In this episode we are looking at Women's History through the lens of poetry. Poetry has the potential to capture our existence, what it means to experience life with all our senses, our whole being. Every day pedestrian language cannot do always do this. Whether...

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EP# 76 Intentional Courtesy

On this podcast we look at what people are doing to improve their community. As part of our Race and Community Esteem Series, today’s guests are Daryl Davis and Jeff Schoep. They will be familiar to our audience, we have had them as guests on our show before: EP#56...

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EP#75 Teacher Spotlight: Jerry Kelley

It’s 2021 and we have already kicked off one of our new series called “Going Green". And on today’s show we spotlight a TEACHER, Jerry Kelley. He is a teacher of horticulture at a certified Green School (Parkside High school in Salisbury,...

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