
No, I Know

Featuring live music and special guests!

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Multimedia artists, activists and husband and wife duo James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin talk shop in this engaging podcast, No, I Know. 

From art to science to society and culture, they bring you a spirited conversation with a call to action to the community at large. Oh, and of course…they converse about what it’s like to be married and create together.

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Saturdays at
11am EST
Delmarva Public Media WSDL 90.7

Our Mission

Our vision is to create a mobile podcast media unit for community outreach that fosters creative engagement and community esteem.

The Mobile Podcast Unit will produce on-site events that include: Interviews, Live Podcast Concerts and Community Connections.

We will focus on intergenerational events and civic mindedness through music and the art.

We will illuminate our shared humanity and showcase people making a difference in their communities.

We bring not only our extensive media production experience and thoughtful content, but as musicians and performers, we will bring the spirit of creativity to every episode and event.

EP#94 The Little Fairleaf

I narrated my first audio book in 2005, a very large and little known book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, a giant series to kick off my career and here I am 90 books later and I have told many stories, which I love so much. And on this episode we have guest:...

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EP#93 Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace. An idea that began in the 60's by forest rangers on how to have a minimal impact on the land, that we should leave an outdoor area that we have been in, traveling through or enjoying, clean and without a trace of our human presence. According, to...

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EP#92 Lourdes Curacao Interview

Lourdes Curaçao is an Acadian-Cree, a musician, producer, Air Force veteran and a recipient of an Air Force Humanitarian Service medal for her performance as a first responder. She is a former member of the American Indian Movement (1994-2000). An indigenous activist...

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EP#91 Faith Over Fear Economic Empowerment Inc.

Our guests for this Make A Difference Spotlight Episode are:  Angela Morton, founder of Faith Over Fear Economic Empowerment Inc., a non-profit organization which helps minority businesses with a focus on black- owned businesses to become stronger and create...

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EP#90 I am Courage

Our guest is author Susan Verde and we speak about her newest title in the #1 New York Times best selling series called,  "I am Courage, a book of Resilience", illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. What is Resilience, how can we cultivate it and why do we need it in...

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