EP# 138 Next Generation of Green Workforce

Next Generation of Green Workforce is the 2nd episode in our new series, “Waterways to Airwaves”. What is the future of the green workforce? Are there paying jobs in this sector? Do the next generations want to do this type of work and why? We spent time...

EP# 137 All Aboard The Strawberry Express!

“All Aboard The Strawberry Express, Environmental History of the Eastern Shore”, is the first episode in our new series “Waterways to Airwaves”. What are some moments in history that changed and shaped the enivroment we see today? We spent time...

EP# 136 Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces. In the midst of a collage of sound, music and poetry, we grapple with how to deal with the illogical issues of our country today. All music, lyrics and sound you hear is written and performed by James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin with the exception of...

EP# 124 Smart Growth

In our newest series, we define what Smart Growth means. While this a national issue, we look at Maryland’s 25 year relationship with Smart Growth, the achievements and challenges to date. Smart Growth can be development that supports economic growth, strong...