EP#94 The Little Fairleaf

I narrated my first audio book in 2005, a very large and little known book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, a giant series to kick off my career and here I am 90 books later and I have told many stories, which I love so much. And on this episode we have guest:...

EP#93 Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace. An idea that began in the 60’s by forest rangers on how to have a minimal impact on the land, that we should leave an outdoor area that we have been in, traveling through or enjoying, clean and without a trace of our human presence....

EP#92 Lourdes Curacao Interview

Lourdes Curaçao is an Acadian-Cree, a musician, producer, Air Force veteran and a recipient of an Air Force Humanitarian Service medal for her performance as a first responder. She is a former member of the American Indian Movement (1994-2000). An indigenous activist...

EP#91 Faith Over Fear Economic Empowerment Inc.

Our guests for this Make A Difference Spotlight Episode are:  Angela Morton, founder of Faith Over Fear Economic Empowerment Inc., a non-profit organization which helps minority businesses with a focus on black- owned businesses to become stronger and create...

EP#90 I am Courage

Our guest is author Susan Verde and we speak about her newest title in the #1 New York Times best selling series called,  “I am Courage, a book of Resilience”, illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. What is Resilience, how can we cultivate it and why do we...