Leave No Trace. An idea that began in the 60’s by forest rangers on how to have a minimal impact on the land, that we should leave an outdoor area that we have been in, traveling through or enjoying, clean and without a trace of our human presence. According, to Leave No Trace-Center for Outdoor Ethics, There are Seven Principles of Leave No Trace  and they can be applied anywhere — from remote wilderness areas, to local parks and even in your own backyard. Plan Ahead and prepare, travel and camp on durable surfaces only, dispose of your waste properly, leave what you find (natural objects and cultural artifacts), minimize campfire impact, respect wildlife and be considerate of others.

I am sure you have driven down your street, other streets and highways, parking lots of stores and fast food restaurants and seen garbage strewn everywhere, evidence of human life everywhere. That is NOT leaving no trace, quite the opposite. A willful blindness to what we leave behind when we are done somewhere. Throwing your garbage out your car window? Someone else will pick it up for you? Well there are some awesome and generous humans (Restore the Shore and Craig Faunce Foundation) who do just that, we are going to hear about their groups, how we can support them and be inspired by them to also pitch in as we cannot rely on others to pick up after us.

All Music and Lyrics by James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin

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